Microsoft Power BI e-book

They have a near-captive audience among corporate clients, most of whom have built their entire infrastructure on Microsoft. So their Power BI suite of business intelligence tools, which translates data into easy-to-reference graphics, should have been a no-brainer. But budgets are budgets, and Microsoft’s team needed a strong sales tool to help land premium subscription clients.

Strategic simplicity.

The strategy was this: because the tools made it easier for executives to do business, we made it easy to sell the tools to executives. Targeting purchasers who had to convince C-suite decision-makers of Power BI’s value, we developed an eBook guide on how to “Convince Your Boss.” We used bold graphics (not unlike those the tools themselves used) and iconic imagery. We distilled data into digestible, at-a-glance benefits. (Also like the tools). And we covered every base—36 pages worth—so there would be no doubt how to sell the service as a strategic investment.